

Year 2018

D’Oca, S.; Ferrante, A.; Ferrer, C.; Pernetti, R.; Gralka, A.; Sebastian, R.; op ‘t Veld, P. Technical, Financial, and Social Barriers and Challenges in Deep Building Renovation: Integration of Lessons Learned from the H2020 Cluster Projects. Buildings 2018, 8, 174.


With a low rate of new building construction and an insufficient rate of existing building renovation, there is the need to step up the pace of building renovation with ambitious performance targets to achieve European Union (EU) climate change policies for 2050. However, innovative technologies, including, but not limiting to, plug and play (PnP) prefabricated facades, information and communications technology (ICT)-support for building management systems (BMS), the integration of renewable energy systems (RES), building information model (BIM) and building performance simulation models (BPSM), advanced heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), advanced geomatics, 3D-printing, and smart connectors, cannot alone solve the problem of low renovation rates of existing buildings in Europe that is hindering reaching of EU-wide targets. A workshop was held at the Sustainable Place Conference 2018 to present, with an integrative approach, the experiences from four H2020 innovation actions, i.e., 4RinEU, P2ENDURE, Pro-GET-OnE, and MORE-CONNECT, which were united by their central aims of improving building energy performance through deep renovation practices. This article presents the outcomes of the joint workshop and interactive discussion, by focusing on technical, financial, and social added values, barriers and challenges, in the context of the building renovation processes tackled by the four projects. Conclusive remarks converge on the identification of open questions to address future innovation opportunities, as well as some recommendations to be used at a policy level and/or in future implementation projects

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Pihelo, P.; Kalamees, T. (submitted 2018) Hygrothermal performance of insulation modular elements for nZEB renovation. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering. ISSN: 2335–2000. http://sace.ktu.lt/index.php/DAS/index


With this paper we present results of nZEB (nearly zero energy building) renovation of typical apartment building made of concrete large panels, constructed during the 1960-1990 period in Estonia and its hygrothermal performance monitoring. The monitoring of a pilot building started in 2015 and renovation was conducted in 2017 while simultaneously on-site measurement results were analysed. The design solution of that project with results of this research will provide input to further processes of the integrated design of nZEB and the renovation of concrete large panel multi-storey apartment buildings.

Pihelo, P.; Kalamees, T.; Kuusk, K. (2018) Prefabricated wooden modular elements for nZEB renovation, in: Proc. 13th Conf. Adv. Build. Ski. 1-2 Oct. 2018, Bern, Switz., Advanced Building Skins GmbH, Bern, Switzeerland, 2018: pp. 591–598. https://abs.green/conference-proceedings/


Paper presents solutions for a deeply renovated typical 5-storey apartment building, made of concrete large panels, constructed during the period 1960-1990 in Estonia. The design of the current project will provide input to further development of the integrated design of nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB).

The external walls and roof were insulated with prefabricated wooden modular elements which consist of a timber frames filled with mineral wool. The total thickness of modular wall elements is 340-380mm, Uwall=0.11_W/(m2∙K). Roof elements were installed onto the timber structure, built on surface of the original flat roof. In the formed attic, service systems (heat exchangers, duct dispensers etc.) were placed. The total thickness of the thermal insulation in the roof modules is 340 mm, Uroof=0.10_W/(m2∙K).

One of the most critical design tasks was the selection of a vapor barrier for the elements to avoid problems with dry-out of constructional moisture. A smart vapor retarder was needed. This is one of the first renovations that has been designed to correspond to the nZEB. The integrated process of the nZEB analysis, design and construction gave us a unique experience, showing weak links in the chain and helping to prevent faults in the next projects.

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Kalamees, T.; Pihelo, P.; Kuusk, K. (2018). Deep energy renovation of old concrete apartment building to nZEB by using wooden modular elements. II Forum-Holzbau Polska in 2018 – II Międznarodowa Konferencja Forum Holzbau Polska 2018: Warsaw, Poland. 6-7.03.2018. Forum-Holzbau, 10.


Requirements for heat loss of building envelope during deep energy renovation vary depending on the requirements of indoor climate and energy performance in a specific country, outdoor climate, availability of renewable energy, building typology. Renovation the existing residential building stock is a key factor of this future task as the replacement rate of the existing stock is only 1–2% per year. Increasing energy performance has been the driving force for renovation of old prefabricated concrete large panel apartment buildings because energy related measures help to increase cost effectiveness of the whole renovation process and the upkeep of buildings. The European building sector has not yet been able to devise a structural, large-scale renovation process and systematic approach. The use of prefabricated multifunctional modular renovation elements could help to fulfill all these points. The Horizon2020 project ‘MORE-CONNECT’ has been launched to develop energy efficiency, hygrothermal performance and aesthetics of buildings and demonstrate technologies of prefabricated modular renovation elements, including the prefab integration of multifunctional components, e.g. for climate control. This article presents solutions for a deeply renovated typical apartment building made of concrete large panels, constructed during the 1960-90 period in Estonia. The pilot renovation was conducted in 2017. The design solution of the current project will provide input to further process the integrated design of nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) and the renovation of large concrete panel multi-story apartment buildings.

Full text is available here:



Belmonte, J., Barbosa, R., Almeida, M. Influence of occupants behavior on indoor air quality of a naturally ventilated multifamily building in Porto, Portugal. Conference Proceedings of DATALEB2018 – 1st International Conference on Data for Low Energy Buildings, 28-29 June 2018, Murcia, Spain


Adequate supply of fresh air is essential to provide a healthy, safe and comfortable indoor environment in buildings. Currently, the majority of the residential buildings in mild climate European countries, such as Portugal or Spain, remain naturally ventilated. This fact has raised concerns in the building sector regarding the indoor air quality present in these buildings as fresh air supply mostly relies on occupants’ window opening behavior and personal habits, which can vary significantly from one apartment to the next. In this context, this work presents the indoor CO2 concentration levels registered during more than one year in the bedrooms and living rooms of eight apartments of a naturally ventilated residential building located in Porto, Portugal. Monitored CO2 concentrations confirmed relevant periods of time with inadequate indoor air quality, exhibiting great variations between apartments. Differential occupants’ window opening behavior, personal habits as well as presence of internal CO2 sources (e.g. smokers) were stated as the major reasons

behind these wide discrepancies. Results suggest that, in some situations, implementation of mechanical ventilation systems in residential contexts should be promoted in order to guarantee adequate IAQ at all times and regardless of outdoor


Barbosa R., Almeida Manuela G. A prefabricação modular na reabilitação energética como contributo para assegurar edifícios nZEB (Modular prefabrication in energy renovation as a contribution for nZEB buildings). In Edifícios e Energia (National Journal). Lisboa. Printer Portuguesa, 2018, pp 60-62

Abstract (translated from Portuguese)

The process of energy renovation of the building stock poses several challenges, and a strategy which combines product and process innovation, optimization of costs and an innovative approach to the market is needed. In this context, prefabricated modular solutions in the renovation of buildings are a path to be explored. This type of solution recognizes the potential for optimization of manufacturing processes and consequent reduction of costs, as well as for the reduction of intervention times and disturbances caused to the users, while increasing the quality and energy efficiency of buildings.

In this article, the European research project More-Connect, in which the Center of Territory, Environment and Construction (CTAC) of the University of Minho participates, is presented in a general way.

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Almeida, M. , Barbosa, R. Painéis modulares prefabricados na reabilitação energética: contributo para edifícios nZEB (Modular prefabricated panels in energy renovation of buildings: a pathway for nZEB). In Ambiente Construido e Estratégias Sustentáveis (being edited). Juiz de Fora, Brasil.Editora UFJF. 2018

Abstract (translated from Portuguese)

Energy renovation of buildings is increasingly seen as an urgent need on the road to the sustainable development of urban environments. However, due to the existence of barriers at various levels (technical, economic, and others), it has not yet been possible to systematically approach the existing buildings. It is therefore urgent to develop cost-effective solutions with a high potential for adoption by the main actors involved in the decision-making of energy renovation. In this context, modular prefabricated solutions can bring significant opportunities such as cost reduction and reduced intervention time, while increasing the quality and energy efficiency of buildings.

This chapter presents the development of a prototype of a prefabricated modular panel for application on the facade of buildings with the objective of significantly reducing their energy needs. That was carried out under the project More-Connect. The chapter also discusses the profitability of the application of this panel in the framework of an integrated rehabilitation in a pilot building in Vila Nova de Gaia in the metropolitan area of ​​Porto in Portugal. The cost-effectiveness of this solution is assessed using a cost-optimal methodology that enables the analysis and evaluation of the energy and economic impact of different combinations of renovation measures at the level of the building envelope together with the use of air conditioning systems and DHW (Domestic Hot Water) and renewable energy sources.

Belmonte, J. Barbosa, R. Almeida, M. CO2 concentrations in a multifamily building in Porto, Portugal: occupants’ exposure and differential performance of mechanical ventilation control strategies, submitted and under revision on Building and Environment journal (ISSN 0360-1323).

Almeida, M., Barbosa, R., Malheiro, R. Effect of environmental assessment on primary energy of modular prefabricated panel for building renovation in Portugal. Submitted to SBE19 BRUSSELS – BAMB-CIRCPATH, 5-7 february 2019, Brussels, Belgium

Abstract. While facing increasingly strict regulations regarding energy efficiency, the construction sector should also adopt sustainable solutions in terms of new constructions and renovations of buildings. In particular, energy renovation of existing buildings has specific technical and economic constraints that are generally addressed through implementation of new materials and building integrated systems, whose environmental impact should be considered when assessing the most adequate solution. Within the context of the More-Connect Project, which aims to develop modular prefabricated solutions for energy renovation of buildings, several renovation scenarios for a pilot building in Portugal were assessed using a methodology to compare the cost-effectiveness of renovation measures. The article explores the use of lifecycle assessment to analyse the effect of considering embodied primary energy in cost-effectiveness calculations.


Almeida, M., Barbosa, R., Malheiro, R. Environmental assessment and cost effectiveness of renovation scenarios in Social Housing in Porto, Portugal. To be submitted to Special Issue “Affordable Housing Planning for Sustainability” of Sustainability journal (ISSN 2071-1050) in November 2018


Pihelo, P.; Kalamees, T. (submitted 2018) Hygrothermal performance of insulation modular elements for nZEB renovation. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering. ISSN: 2335–2000. http://sace.ktu.lt/index.php/DAS/index


With this paper we present results of nZEB (nearly zero energy building) renovation of typical apartment building made of concrete large panels, constructed during the 1960-1990 period in Estonia and its hygrothermal performance monitoring. The monitoring of a pilot building started in 2015 and renovation was conducted in 2017 while simultaneously on-site measurement results were analysed. The design solution of that project with results of this research will provide input to further processes of the integrated design of nZEB and the renovation of concrete large panel multi-storey apartment buildings.


Pihelo, P.; Kalamees, T.; Kuusk, K. (2018) Prefabricated wooden modular elements for nZEB renovation, in: Proc. 13th Conf. Adv. Build. Ski. 1-2 Oct. 2018, Bern, Switz., Advanced Building Skins GmbH, Bern, Switzeerland, 2018: pp. 591–598. https://abs.green/conference-proceedings/


Paper presents solutions for a deeply renovated typical 5-storey apartment building, made of concrete large panels, constructed during the period 1960-1990 in Estonia. The design of the current project will provide input to further development of the integrated design of nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB).

The external walls and roof were insulated with prefabricated wooden modular elements which consist of a timber frames filled with mineral wool. The total thickness of modular wall elements is 340-380mm, Uwall=0.11_W/(m2∙K). Roof elements were installed onto the timber structure, built on surface of the original flat roof. In the formed attic, service systems (heat exchangers, duct dispensers etc.) were placed. The total thickness of the thermal insulation in the roof modules is 340 mm, Uroof=0.10_W/(m2∙K).

One of the most critical design tasks was the selection of a vapor barrier for the elements to avoid problems with dry-out of constructional moisture. A smart vapor retarder was needed. This is one of the first renovations that has been designed to correspond to the nZEB. The integrated process of the nZEB analysis, design and construction gave us a unique experience, showing weak links in the chain and helping to prevent faults in the next projects.

Full text is available here:



Kalamees, T.; Pihelo, P.; Kuusk, K. (2018). Deep energy renovation of old concrete apartment building to nZEB by using wooden modular elements. II Forum-Holzbau Polska in 2018 – II Międznarodowa Konferencja Forum Holzbau Polska 2018: Warsaw, Poland. 6-7.03.2018. Forum-Holzbau, 10.


Requirements for heat loss of building envelope during deep energy renovation vary depending on the requirements of indoor climate and energy performance in a specific country, outdoor climate, availability of renewable energy, building typology. Renovation the existing residential building stock is a key factor of this future task as the replacement rate of the existing stock is only 1–2% per year. Increasing energy performance has been the driving force for renovation of old prefabricated concrete large panel apartment buildings because energy related measures help to increase cost effectiveness of the whole renovation process and the upkeep of buildings. The European building sector has not yet been able to devise a structural, large-scale renovation process and systematic approach. The use of prefabricated multifunctional modular renovation elements could help to fulfill all these points. The Horizon2020 project ‘MORE-CONNECT’ has been launched to develop energy efficiency, hygrothermal performance and aesthetics of buildings and demonstrate technologies of prefabricated modular renovation elements, including the prefab integration of multifunctional components, e.g. for climate control. This article presents solutions for a deeply renovated typical apartment building made of concrete large panels, constructed during the 1960-90 period in Estonia. The pilot renovation was conducted in 2017. The design solution of the current project will provide input to further process the integrated design of nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) and the renovation of large concrete panel multi-story apartment buildings.

Full text is available here:


Year 2017

Lupíšek A, Volf M, Hejtmánek P, Sojková K. and Brandejs R. Accelerating energy retrofitting of European residential buildings by prefabricated modular elements. 7th International Symposium on Energy. 13th-17th August 2017


In order to significantly reduce energy consumption in building stock, Europe has to focus on scaling up the process of energy retrofitting of existing buildings. So far, we are used to make energy retrofitting step-by-step, building-by-building. The building retrofitting process that we are used to is very labor intensive and lengthy – it usually takes several weeks or even months to replace old windows by new, install new thermal insulation layers on the external walls and roofs of buildings and, renew the heat distribution systems or to attach renewable energy sources on the building’s envelope.  In order to overcome these historical inefficiencies, a European project Development and Advanced Prefabrication of Innovative, Multifunctional Building Envelope Elements for Modular Retrofitting and Connections (MORE-CONNECT) has been initiated under H2020 program. The project partners have developed a system of prefabricated retrofitting modules, that will enable to cut primary energy consumption of a typical residential building by 80 %, reduce on-site installation time bellow two weeks and improve the indoor environment for the tenants. The project partners are now focused on significant improvement of pre-production and production process of the developed solutions to improve the overall production efficiency and reduce the production costs. The main tools to achieve that include automated 3D scanning of buildings, fully digitalized pre-production process and IT supported creation of data describing automated fabrication of the modules. At the same moment, the project aims on implementation of systemic quality control over the whole design, pre-production, production and installation process in order to significantly reduce the number of warranty claims by the clients.


Rovers, R., ZEB retrofit: embodied energy as descisive parameter and proxy . 5th International Exergy, Life Cycle Assessment, and Sustainability Workshop & Symposium (ELCAS5) 09 -11 July, 2017, Nisyros, Greece.


Europe is facing a transition for a renewable energy based energy system. A important part of that strategy will be to retrofit all houses for 0-energy performance (or near-energy). Also known as ZEB, zero-energy buildings. (0 to interpret as 0-fossil fuels.) This will create a paradigm shift in how energy performance of houses and buildings will be evaluated. The buildings will create no more impact from the operational energy point of view. The total impact will have shifted towards the materials related impact , used to retrofit the houses and buildings, either to reduce demand (insulation etc) or to produce its own renewable energy, building connected. The EU H2020 More Connect project explores concepts for large scale retrofit of housing with prefab panels, and analyses the environmental effects of these concepts. A graphic tool as design aid is developed and presented , to find the optimal solution, using embodied energy as the main parameter. A main conclusion is that the optimum can only be found evaluating different combinations of reduction and production. The design aid also connects the outcomes to technical constraints (like roof surface available) as well as to cost optimization. The paper will support the case and tool development, as well as argue on the importance of embodied energy, and the wider use as a general proxy for low energy/ low CO2 strategies, as alternative for more broad sustainability assessments.

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Ove Christen Mørck. Energy saving concept development for the MORE-CONNECT pilot energy renovation of apartment blocks in Denmark. Energy Procedia. Volume 140, December 2017, Pages 240–251 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.139


The European Horizon2020 project MORE-CONNECT on prefabricated deep energy renovation of residential dwellings also covers pilot demonstration projects, which are to be carried out in six of the participating countries. For each country a unique, climate specific concept development analysis is carried out. The concept development follows the MORE-CONNECT methodology and thus aims towards a Zero Energy Building (ZEB) level or if cost limitations require nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB). For the Danish situation, this means that the energy requirement for heating purpose is to be brought down from around 100 kWh/m² to below 20 kWh/m². As the pilot project has not yet been identified, concept development calculations has been conducted for a generic building. The technologies to be considered for this energy renovation are: Insulation of the façade, insulation of the roof, low-energy windows, heat-recovery ventilation, solar domestic hot water and a PV-system. Within the MORE-CONNECT two technologies are under development in Denmark. The first is a new PV-roof solution in which the PV-cells are fully integrated in the roofing elements. This PV-roof can be fitted into any roof surface shape. It can also be constructed as a PVT-roof connected to a heat pump for heating purposes. The second technology under development is 3-D finishing of a new layer of façade insulation by an industry robot. When an insulation layer has been placed on any given façade a finishing layer of plaster can be added and finished with any desired patterns or painting.

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Hejtmánek, P. Martin Volf, M., Sojkováa, K., Brandejs, R., Kabrhe, M., Bejčeka M., Novák, E., Lupíšek, A. 2017 First stepping stones of alternative refurbishment modular system leading to zero energy buildings. Energy Procedia 111, 121 – 130 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.014


Housing stock is one of the major energy consumers in Europe, or the Czech Republic respectively, and it is not easy to reach European 20/20/20 target with an envelope insulation only. Therefore a deep renovation alternative consisting of prefabricated insulating panels, implementation new smart HVAC systems and use of renewable energy sources is presented. In this article boundary conditions and limitations of various aspects of such solution are described and the possible use is shown, particularly on a reference building in Milevsko, Czech Republic, representing the most common Czech multi-family housing sample.

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Dobelis, M., Kaļinka, M., Borodiņecs, A. 3D Modelling of Existing Buildings from Laser Scanner Data. In: Engineering Graphics BALTGRAF-14. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference, Estonia, Tallina, 1-2 June, 2017. Tallinn, Estonia: Tallinn University of Technology, 2017, pp.10-14.


The growing attention to improve the building’s thermal performance has initiated an increasing demand of innovative remodeling solutions for existing houses. This modeling problem is being studied in a large multi-partner project called MORE-CONNECT that aims to industrialize building renovation in order to reduce energy consumption. Advancements in contemporary CAD and CNC manufacturing technologies allow the use of modular prefabricated insulated wood frame panels for this purpose as one of the possible solutions. More and more widely used Building Information Modelling (BIM) concept with its’ parametric modelling capabilities allows to assess the outcomes of the results of preliminary building energy performance analysis and later coordinate these complex and time consuming processes much easier, faster, and cheaper. As one of the key components in the solution of this problem is fast and precise acquisition of geometry of the building. This research was aimed towards reconstruction of BIM compatible 3D geometric model from laser scanned data that captures the building’s external envelope with main openings. The pre-sent research focuses on the capture of building 3D data in a BIM compatible format, which later may be used for both an energy analysis and a structural design of insulation systems. A raw laser scan data captured at the building site was later post-processed with dedicated software to comply with import options for BIM software. Using a point cloud data as a reference a 3D geometry of the building was traced. Manual, semi-automatic or automatic tracing processes may be used to capture the external envelope of the building with openings. Major developers of BIM software, applicable for these tasks are Autodesk, Graphisoft, Bentley, Nemetscheck, etc.

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Volf M., Lupíšek A., Hejtmánek P.: Modular solutions for deep energy retrofitting – introduction and progress of the MORE-CONNECT project. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2017 Wien, 28th–29th April 2017


Most of the actual Europe’s residential building stock is due for deep energy renovation. The motivation is set by the EU’s environmental goals, together with the users’ demand for the energy savings. The building sector is currently not able to offer an integral solution for deep renovation toward nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) for reasonable costs. Significant progress has been already made in Annex 55 project . The H2020 “MORE CONNECT” project continues in the work. The project partners investigate a solution of the problem by pushing forward the integrated modular renovation system closer to the mass production. The computer-aided models are used to control the production and reduce the price of the system by mass production. The adjustment of the solution for particular Europe’s geocluster is the objective for each pair of industrial and knowledge partner set in the project. This contribution presents the progress made in the modular system development.



Year 2016

Lupisek, A., Volf, M., Hejtmanek, P., Sojkova, K., Tywoniak, J., & Op’t Veld, P. 2016. Introduction of a methodology for deep energy retrofitting of post-war residential buildings in central Europe to zero energy level. Komunikacie, 18(4), 30-36


Buildings are responsible for 35% of greenhouse gas emissions released in Europe. The highest potential for reduction of the environmentalimpacts is in the existing buildings’ energy efficiency improvement. The paper introduces a development of new methodology for a rapid deep energy retrofitting of existing buildings applicable to residential housing stock in Central Europe. It briefly describes the steps from production of building information model of existing building to complete renovation. It presents experience from pre-production phases on a case study from the Czech Republic. Technical and non-technical barriers to be solved in the near future are summarised in the discussion.

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Ove Christen Mørck.2016. Concept development and technology choices for the More-Connect pilot energy renovation of three apartment blocks in Denmark. Energy Procedia, 2016, Vol.96, p. 738.-744. ISSN 1876-6102 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2016.09.136


In the context of the European Horizon2020 project MORE-CONNECT on prefab deep energy renovation of dwellings pilot demonstration projects are carried out in 6 of the participating countries. In Denmark the pilot project comprises a comprehensive energy renovation of three building blocks situated in Roskilde – southwest of Copenhagen. An energy renovation concept for these buildings has been developed according to a methodology developed for the MORE-CONNECT project aiming towards a Zero Energy Building (ZEB) level. The energy requirement for heating purposes is therefore to be brought down from around 100 kWh/m2 to below 20 kWh/m2 and a part of the electricity consumption to be produced by PV. The methodology calls for a calculation of total costs versus reduced Global Warming Potential (GWP) and primary energy consumption. The developed concept includes additional insulation in the external walls and roof, new 3-layer low-energy windows, a heat recovery ventilation system and renewable energy supply. Within the MORE-CONNECT two technologies are under development in Denmark: A new PV-roof solution in which the PV-cells are fully integrated in the roofing elements. This PV-roof can be fitted into any roof surface shape and if justified by the cost-optimisation it can be constructed as a PVT-roof connected to a heat-pump for heating purposes. The second technology under development is 3-D printing of a layer of façade insulation by an industry robot. The concept development follows first a path using conventionally available technologies and at the end the two new technologies are integrated in the concept and the corresponding traditionally technologies removed. The end result is an energy renovation reaching plus-energy level at competitive costs.

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Pihelo P., Lelumees M., Kalamees T. 2016. Influence of Moisture Dry-out on Hygrothermal Performance of Prefabricated Modular Renovation Elements. Energy Procedia, 2016, Vol.96, p. 745.-755. ISSN 1876-6102 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2016.09.137


Renovation with prefabricated modular panels is one way to achieve high energy efficiency and quality both in production and installation processes. The 5-storey building, which is being fully renovated in Tallinn, Estonia, will be insulated with prefabricated modular renovation elements. The hygrothermal performance of the envelope was evaluated with calibrated dynamic hygrothermal simulations and with a mould index model, where calculation results were in good agreement with measured data and are therefore reliable for further research. The calculations were made to evaluate the hygrothermal risks in the building envelope and after the prefabricated modular elements were installed. The focus was on studying concrete wall’s dry-out capability and the use of vapor barrier. The initial moisture content of the concrete wall and a right choice of air&vapor barrier layer has considerable impact on the entire envelope performance. As a result of this study, we claim that the risk of mould growth in this structure can be minimized, when the initial moisture content (IMC) of the existing concrete large panel element is w≤55 kg/m3 and PE-foil as air&vapor barrier is used or when IMC is w≤75 kg/m3 and the oriented strand board (OSB) as vapor control layer or when IMC is w≤110 kg/m3 and smart vapor retarder (0.2 m<Sd <5 m) on the mounted modular element as vapor control layer is used, in combination with the prefabricated modular element’s insulation, with high thermal resistance and vapor permeability (thermal resistance R≥7.5 m2·K/W; equivalent air layer thickness Sd≤0.5 m), and wind barrier (R≥0.8 m2·K/W; Sd≤0.05 m) layers. In the renovation of prefabricated concrete large panel buildings, it is possible to achieve good results and build sustainable solutions according to up-to-date requirements of nZEB in a cold and humid climate.

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 Zemītis, J., Borodiņecs, A., Geikins, A., Kalames, T., Kuusk, K. Ventilation System Design in Three European Geo Cluster. Energy Procedia, 2016, Vol.96, p. 285.-293. ISSN 1876-6102 http://doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2016.09.151


The primary objective of this study is to evaluate possible ventilation solutions for nZEB multi apartment buildings in three European geoclusters. Geo-cluster concept illustrates trans-national areas where strong similarities are found in terms of climate, culture, construction typologies and other factors. Paper presents comparison of ventilation needs for the same case study building located in Denmark, Estonia, Latvia and Portugal. The economic and technical comparison of different ventilation systems are presented as well. Special focus is attended to develop introduction of modular solutions and integration of ventilation ducts into external insulation as this can serve as a complex solution including both external constructions and engineering networks. Presented modular solution includes prefabricated insulation panels with integrated ventilation ducts. This paper is prepared in scope of work done within EU HORIZON2020 MORE-CONNECT project. Research methodology is based on data analysis provided by project partners as well as practical calculation. Compilation of ventilation air volume requirements according to the local regulations for Latvia, Estonia, Portugal and Denmark has shown significant difference in design air change rate in project countries. The financial analysis reveals the price difference between various ventilation strategies and provides discussion topic regarding ventilation strategies in nZEB buildings.

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 Faltýnová, M., Matoušková, E., Šedina, J., & Pavelka, K. (2016). Building facade documentation using laser scanning and photogrammetry and data implementation into BIM. Paper presented at the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 41 215-220. doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XLI-B3-215-2016


A project started last year called MORE-CONNECT, which focuses on the renovation of buildings (especially building facades) using prefabricated elements. The aim of this project is to create a competitive solution consisting of a technology and processes which enable fast, cost-effective renovation with minimal difficulties to inhabitants. Significant cost savings in renovation costs lies in the usage of prefabricated elements and the reduction of construction works on site. The precision of the prefabricated element depends on the precision of the construction, project and building documentation. This article offers an overview of the possible methods for building documentation and spatial data transfer into BIM (Building Information Modelling) software. The description of methods focuses on laser scanning and photogrammetry (including RPAS based), its advantages, disadvantages and limitations according to the documented building, level of renovation, situation on site etc. The next part involves spatial data transfer into BIM software. A proposed solution is tested in a case study.

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Pihelo, P.; Lelumees, M.; Kalamees, T. Potential of Moisture Dry-out from Concrete Wall in Estonian Climate. International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering. Conference segment on Moisture in Materials and Structures. 22-24 August 2016, Lyngby, Denmark


The efficient way to meet the nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) design ideology – remarkable reduction of heat losses – is to build highly insulated buildings. This study observes the hygrothermal performance of prefabricated concrete large panel element of a multi-storey building, planned to be renovated according to nZEB requirements. The validated calculation program Delphin was used to calibrate the calculation model. On the basis of measured data, the model was calibrated and calculations were made to evaluate the hygrothermal risks. The analysis showed that the hygrothermal performance of concrete wall is most dependent on constructional moisture content, dry-out capability and wind-driven rain load as well as on the N-E-S-W orientation of the wall. The results showed the highest moisture content in the wall’s external concrete slab on south-west direction in the last quarter and the first months of the year, when the moisture content was 110-114 kg/m3. This study showed that in the design of highly insulated concrete walls in cold and humid climate it is important to properly evaluate the initial state of constructions and consider critical weather loads in order to determine the feasible hygrothermal performance.

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Kalamees, T., Lupíšek, A., Sojková, K., Mørck, O., Borodiņecs, A., Almeida, M., Rovers, R. What kind of heat loss requirements NZEB and deep renovation sets for building envelope?. In: CESB 2016 – Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building 2016: Innovations for Sustainable Future, Czech Republic, Prague, 22-24 June, 2016. Prague: Grada Publishing, 2016, pp.137-144. ISBN 978-802710248-8.


In most of countries the energy performance of buildings is defined as (primary) energy use of whole building’s (heating, cooling, ventilation, DHW, lighting, HVAC auxiliary, appliances), not as specific requirements for building envelope. For construction companies of production of modular renovation panels it in necessary to know heat loss properties of building envelope (U, W/(m2K); ‘P. W/(mK): x. W K; qso, m3/(hm2)). In this study it is analyzed what kind of heat loss requirements exists for building envelope to meet on annual basis to following targets: nZEB i.e. national nearly zero energy definition; deep energy renovation with 80 % reduction of primary energy; ZEB i.e. net Zero Energy Building = the annual primary energy use = 0 kWh/(m2 a). Indoor climate and energy calculations were made based on national energy calculation methodologies in six countries: Denmark, Estonia. Latvia, Czech Republic, Pormgal, and Netherland. Requirements for heat loss of building envelope vary depending Ofl requirements on indoor climate and energy performance in specific country, outdoor climate, availability of renewable energy, and building typology. The thermal transmittance of the modular wall panels for nZEB was 5% from prc-renovation thermal transmittance in Latvia, 10% in Estonia and up to 50% in Portugal. For roof the decrease of thermal transmittance was smaller mainly due to smaller thermal transmiftancc before renovation. Results show the difticulties to reach ZEB with multi-story apartment buildings in cold climate. There arc not enough places to install rcnewablcs for energy production on sit

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Borodiņecs, A., Zemītis, J., Millers, R., Tumanova, K., Geikins, A., Nefedova, A. Specifics of Multi-Apartment Building Deep Complex Retrofitting. In: CESB 2016 – Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2016: Innovations for Sustainable Future, Czech Republic, Prague, 22-24 June, 2016. Prague: Grada Publishing, 2016, pp.49-55. ISBN 978-802710248-8.


The paper presents study on existing building stock energy consumption for country of LaLvia. Especial attention is paid to the analysis of typical Soviet type multi-apartment buildings’ specifics. The study analyses theoretical as well as real measured multi-apartment building heat consumption before and after renovation. Based on dynamic simulation precise energy balance was calculated for typical multi-apartment building. Results shown that simple thermal insulation of building insulation can ensure 50% reduction of building heat consumption. however, practical measurements have shown significant increase of indoor air relative humidity and CO2 concretion level. Evaluation of cost effective deep complex retrofitting solutions should take into account not only theoretical heat losses/heat gains but also human behavior. Paper does not take into account primary energy. Primary energy factors varies in EU countries. In some case primary energy factors was assumed without clear methodology. Thus, comparison of reduction of primary energy consumption in building stock could be incorrect.

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Kuusk K., Kalamees T., Pihelo P. Experiences from Design Process of Renovation of Existing Apartment Building to nZEB. CLIMA 2016 – proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress: volume 1. Aalborg: Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering, May 2016, p. 10.


Toughening requirements for energy efficiency of buildings sets the new challenges to thebuilding owners, designers and contractors. Although nZEB requirements will apply only to the new buildings, Tallinn University of Technology decided to renovate existing student hostel building to nZEB building. Building has same typical problems as many other existing buildings: high energy consumption, insufficient ventilation, overheating during winter, insufficient thermal comfort. Need for major renovation is evident but goal to renovate this building to nZEB building have raised many new challenges. Somewhat surprisingly chose challenges were not so much related to the specific technical problems but more to the overall understanding of the concept of nZEB and managing the design process in order to guarantee that the end result is nZEB building. In general, building owner is in favour of the nZEB, but nZEB renovation should not mean excessive investment costs. Therefore, designers have new challenge to devise nZEB renovation in such way that it is not significantly more expensive than standard major renovation. Our experience revealed that designers have not yet fully understood the whole concept of nZEB buildings and have some difficulties managing the design process in parallel with the energy calculations and cost optimality calculations. The solution which is often used that energy calculations just one solitary part of the design process is no longer suitable in concept of nZEB renovation. Energy calculations and cost optimality calculations must be used in parallel with designing the technical solutions already in the early stage of design.

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Op’t Veld P., Kalamees T., Rovers R. MORE-CONNECT: New developments in prefabricated multifunctional building envelope elements and installation platforms for NZE renovation. CLIMA 2016 – proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress: volume 1. Aalborg: Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering, May 2016, p. 10


Objective of the H2020 project ‘MORE-CONNECT’ is to develop and to demonstrate technologies and components for prefabricated modular renovation elements in five geo-clusters in Europe (The Netherlands, Denmark, Estonia/Latvia, Czech Republic, Portugal). MORE-CONNECT is based on three main innovations: product, process and market innovation. Product innovation includes prefabricated innovative, modular composed building envelope elements, including the integration of multifunctional components for climate control, energy saving, building physics and aesthetics, with advanced plug & play connections (mechanical, hydraulic, air, electric, prefab airtight joints) for ultrafast installing, limiting the total renovation time of 5 to 2 days. Process innovation includes a fully automated productions process, starting with digital imaging using advanced geomatics, on-line configuration of the renovation concepts by end-users and a fully automated BIM controlled production process. This process offers the possibility to produce ‘series of one’ in a mass production process. Market innovation includes the offering of a one-shop-stop concept to the end-user, i.e. the end-user deals with only one responsible party organizing the design, production, installing, financing, performance contracting and after care. A performance guarantee is offered for individual energy use and the quality of the indoor environment. Web based tools will link building characteristics, building energy potential and end-users demands

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Year 2015


Peter Op ‘t Veld, MORE-CONNECT: Development and Advanced Prefabrication of Innovative, Multifunctional Building Envelope Elements for Modular Retrofitting and Smart Connections, Energy Procedia, Volume 78, November 2015, Pages 1057-1062, ISSN 1876-6102, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.026.


Kuusk, K., & Kalamees, T. (2015). nZEB retrofit of a concrete large panel apartment building. Paper presented at the Energy Procedia, 78 985-990. doi: 1016/j.egypro.2015.11.038


The paper discusses energy renovation scenarios from major renovation to nZEB level for apartment buildings in Estonia (cold climate). The study analyses energy usage and economic viability taking into account a possible increase in the lease income after renovation under apartment building renovation scenarios. Our results show that deep renovation of old apartment buildings enables the energy performance requirements of nearly zero energy apartment buildings to be achieved. With nZEB renovation, reductions are ca 70% in delivered energy (heating energy + electricity) need and ca 60% in primary energy need. Payback period of nZEB renovation without increased lease income is around 30 years. In the best scenario case, the payback period of nZEB renovation is around eight years when the increase of the annual lease income is taken into account. © 2015 The Authors.

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